About GATE 2018 | Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering 2018
- IIT Guwahati is the organizing institute for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2018.
- Information website for GATE 2018 is www.gate.iitg.ac.in
- GATE 2018 will be conducted on 23 subjects (also referred to as “papers”).
- Examination for all the 23 subjects (papers) will be conducted as ONLINE Computer Based Test (CBT).
- A candidate can appear only in ANY ONE paper of the GATE examination.
- GATE 2018 examinations will be held during the forenoon and afternoon sessions on 3rd , 4th , 10th and 11th of February 2018.
Admissions to Postgraduate Programs (Master’s and Doctoral) with MHRD and other Government Scholarships/Assistantships in Engineering/Technology/Architecture/Science are open to those who qualify in GATE. The GATE score is also used by some PSUs for their recruitment. GATE 2018 score will be valid for THREE YEARS from the date of announcement of results

Eligibility Criteria for GATE 2018
Before starting the application process, the candidate must ensure that he/she meets the educational eligibility criteria of GATE 2018.
Candidates who have obtained/are pursuing their qualifying degree from countries other than India: i) must have completed or are in the final year of their Bachelor’s degree (duration: at least 4 years) in Engineering/Technology or; ii) must have completed or are in the final year of their Post Graduate (Master’s) degree (duration: at least 2 years) in any relevant subjects in science.
Gate 2018 Examination Pattern
- Examination for all the papers will be Computer Based Tests.
List of Examination Centres for Gate 2018
- GATE 2018 examinations will be conducted in selected cities and towns in India as well as in the following cities abroad: Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Colombo (Sri Lanka), Dhaka (Bangladesh), Dubai (UAE), Kathmandu (Nepal), and Singapore
Application Fee of Gate 2018
The application fee has to be paid ONLINE. The fee details are as follows
For Centres in India
- Female candidates: Rs 750/- SC, ST,
- PwD candidates: Rs 750/-
- All other candidates: Rs 1500/-
For Centres Abroad
- Addis Ababa, Colombo, Dhaka, and Kathmandu: US $ 50 Dubai and Singapore: US $ 100
Important Dates related to GATE 2018
GATE Online Application Processing System (GOAPS) Website Opens | Friday | 01st September 2017 |
Last Date for Submission of (Online) Application (through Website) | Thursday | 05th October 2017 |
Last Date for Requesting Change of Examination City (an additional fee will be applicable) | Friday | 17th November 2017 |
Admit Card will be available in the Online Application Portal (for printing) | Friday | 05th January 2018 |
GATE 2018 Examination Forenoon: 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Afternoon: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM |
Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday |
03rd February 2018 04th February 2018 10th February 2018 11th February 2018 |
Announcement of the Results in the Online Application Portal | Saturday | 17th March 2018 |
How to Apply for GATE 2018?
All candidates must apply ONLINE through all Zonal Websites
Zone Administering Institute – Zonal Websites
- Zone-1 Indian Institute of Science Bangalore http://gate.iisc.ac.in/
- Zone-2 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay http://www.gate.iitb.ac.in/
- Zone-3 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi http://gate.iitd.ac.in/
- Zone-4 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati http://www.gate.iitg.ac.in/
- Zone-5 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur http://gate.iitk.ac.in/
- Zone-6 Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur http://gate.iitkgp.ac.in/
- Zone-7 Indian Institute of Technology Madras http://gate.iitm.ac.in/
- Zone-8 Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee http://www.iitr.ac.in/gate/
List of GATE 2018 Papers and Corresponding Codes
List of Companies Hiring Through GATE 2018
- Central Electronics Limited
- Oil India,
- Power Grid
- Mazagon Dock